donderdag 20 januari 2011

The result.

When I wrote my last entry I thought: this was quite a lot of work! But it was fun to do and that's because I've chosen a interesting subject: discussing commercials. Focused on if they can be used as good marketing tools.

What's really useful is that I've learned a bit new vocabulary like: to distinguish oneself, armpits and more words. The assignment was well thought of, because it is very broad and you can easily find a subject that fits you.
Overall I hope i did well with making my own marketing blog.

Kind regards,

Alexander Pront
Klas 1F

maandag 10 januari 2011

12. McDonalds 'Chicken Sensation' (commercial).

The twelfth and therefore the last commercial which I'm going to discuss is produced by McDonald's. In the past McDonald's introduced the Chichen Sensation and they did that well. They came with a great commercial. McDonald's produced many more great commercials but this one is the best I can remember.

Description of the commercial:
At the beginning of the commercial you see all the products that are on the Chicken Sensation. After that you see a men order a Chicken Sensation. He goes to his table en takes the first bite. He loves it and comes in another world. In that world he's enjoying his burger and there are mexican musicians playing music in front of him. When he stops eating he comes back to the normal world. He takes another bite and goes back to the other world. At the end there comes a screen with McDonald's I'm loving it!

The affect:
The affect of the commercial is that people are going to laugh and hopefully want to buy a Chicken Sensation at McDonald's. I can't think of another affect that the commercial has.

Conclusion: good or bad marketing tool?
I think this commercial functions as a great marketing tool! That's because there isn't a better way to introduce a new product than trough the television. I think that people feel hungry and want to buy a Chicken Sensation when they have seen the commercial. If that happens McDonalds created a want and that is what they wanted to succeed. If that doesn't happen it's a bad marketing tool, because then the commercial didn't succeed to created a want and the commercial would be useless.

However the commercial is very funny and after I've seen the commercial I really wanted to try the Chicken Sensation and I went to the McDonald's and bought one.

Here's a link to watch the commercial:

donderdag 6 januari 2011

11. Audi 'A1' (commercial).

The eleventh commercial which I'm going to talk about is made by an auto brand called Audi. This is a German car producer and makes excellent cars of high quality. They came last year with a new line the A1. This new carline seems to be very successful, because many people buy an Audi A1. This commercial depicts the Audi A1.

Description of the commercial:
I can't tell very much about this commercial, because it's very confusion if I wright it down. It simply show short pictures of the car and lots of other things. The commercial is very nice to watch, because it looks very sportive.

The affect:
I would say that this commercial has a great affect on men, because it's very sportive! For woman it is less attractive, because you can see that the producers of the Audi commercial really focused on the men, its about cars, it's really forceful and really sportive. So as I said, for men it's perfect and for woman it isn't. But as known Audi focuses on men, because they make very sportive cars and therefore it isn't a problem that this commercial isn't attractive for women. If Audi want to attract the women, than this commercial would have a negative affect.

Conclusion: good or bad marketing tool?
As I said this commercial has a great affect on men, however this commercial isn't a good marketing tool. It's costs lots of money and doesn't have any added value. That's because if somebody wants that car, the commercial didn't made that possible. The good product made that possible. I think it's useless to make commercials for cars, because it's only useful as an reminder and a better way to produce a reminder is a billboard or something like that. So for these reasons I think it isn't a good marketing tool.

However the commercial is great to watch.

Here's a link to watch the commercial:

dinsdag 4 januari 2011

10. Giorgio Armani 'aqua di gioia' (commercial).

The tenth commercial which I'm going to discuss is produced by a fashion company called Giorgio Armani. Giorgio Armani was born in 1934 and studied medicines. This is a totally different branche than where he's now days. During the 1970's Armani started his first fashion company and now days his company is splited up in two different brands: Emporio Armani and Giorgio Armani. His company produces lots of products. For example: shoes, watches, sunglasses and many more. The product which this commercial is focused on is under the department Giorgio Armani. This commercial visualizes a parfum called Giorgio Armani 'aqua di gioia'. This is a parfum for woman.

Description of the commercial:
The commercial shows you a scene where a woman walks true the wild nature. She walks true the forest and it rains. She gets al wet. You see different visions of nature, for example they show the beach, the forest, a waterfall and more. You can see that she enjoys walking trough the forest, because it's beautiful! This commercials visualizes nature beauty: the woman is pretty and the wilderness is astonishing. At the end they show the product.

The affect:
This commercial shows a luxurious product and therefore the affect of this product is that people associate this commercial with luxury. This commercial had no other affect on me. Bull.

Conclusion: good or bad marketing tool?
This commercial isn't a very good marketing tool. That's because people won't remember this commercial when it's off the television. It doesn't distinguish itself's, that's because it's not very remarkable. People will watch it and forget it (in most cases), so actually it's useless. Therefore it isn't a good marketing tool.

My opinion about this commercial is that it's enjoyable to watch, but it's useless.

Here's a link to watch the commercial:

dinsdag 28 december 2010

9. Redbull 'geeft je vleugels' (commercial).

The ninth commercial is produced by RedBull. RedBull is a product you can almost by everywhere. For examples at gasstations, supermarkets, bars and many more places. The product RedBull produces is an high quality energy drink. RedBull produces commercials with the slogan: RedBull geeft je vleugels.

Description of the commercial:
The commercials starts with a scene were a man walks. One second later a pigeon flew over his head an circles around him. Later on the pigeon poops over his jacket and flies away. The man doesn't show any emotions and wipes the poop of his jacket. Then he takes a RedBull and as the slogan tells you: RedBull gives you wings. So he flys up and goes to the pigeon. He takes is pants off and poops over the pigeon. As you can imagine this is a funny commercial!

The affect:
The affect of this commercial is great. That's because RedBull wants people to remember the commercial. The line, RedBull geeft je vleugels, makes that possible. That's because that line is simple and easy to remember and when you hear that you will associate it with RedBull.

Conclusion: good or bad marketing tool?
This commercial is a fine marketing tool. That's because when you hear the line, RedBull geeft je vleugels, you will automatically think of RedBull. It also helps that these commercials are very funny. This whole package of a funny commercial, a good slogan and a great product combines a fine marketing tool.

I really like these RedBull commercials, because these are very funny.

Here's a link to watch the commercial:

donderdag 23 december 2010

8. Axe 'dry deodorant' (commercial).

The eight commercial is also made the Dutch company Unilever. Unilever has 3 different departments:
1. Food
2. Body care
3. House helping products
This product is under the department body care. Axe is a brand produced bij Unilever and the product are deodorants. Axe deodorant is very populaire these days, perhaps also with help of the excellent commercials.

Description of the commercial:
This commercials starts with a scene where you see a men sweating. But this men does not sweat in an ordinary way. His armpits looked like fountains. This men goes to different placed, for example a disco, the beach and other places and everywhere he's sweating in an unnaturally way. Every person and everything he passes becomes wet. Later on he uses Axe dry deodorant and the sweating stops. At the end of the commercial this men walks over the beach and puts his arms up and the girl was scared that she would get wet. This was the most fun part of the commercial.

The affect:
The target group is younger people, so Axe deodorant focused on them. You can see that back in the way that they produced the commercial. This commercial has a great affect on younger people, because it's funny. What also helps is that Axe deodorant depicts during the commercial situations in normal life of younger people. For example going to a club, lying on the beach, dating and more. These kind of places visualized in the commercial have a good affect on the younger people, because they feel connected with the commercial. The affect of this commercial is positive.

Conclusion: good or bad marketing tool?
This commercial functions as a great marketing tool for Axe deodorant, because their target group (younger people) like the commercial and in that way they automatically feel connected with the brand Axe. The target group feels a connection with Axe. When they want to buy deodorant, they will automatically think of Axe and perhaps buy an Axe deodorant. So Unilever succeeded two different goals, attract people and earn more profits (probably Unilever will earn more profit by launching this commercial, but that's not for sure). So if Unilever succeeded to accomplish their goal, their marketing strategie is good and in that way this commercial can function as a great marketing tool.

My opinion about this commercial is that it's great.

Here's a link to watch the commercial:

maandag 20 december 2010

7. Achmea 'even Apeldoorn bellen' (commercial)

The seventh commercial which I'll discuss is produced by Achmea. Achmea is one of the largest insurance companies in the Netherlands. Even Apeldoorn bellen is a slogan from Achmea which they use in their commercials. Most of Achmea's commercials are quite funny.

Description of the commercial:
The commercial start with a scene where the father of the family locks up their car. He forgot to engage the parking brake, so therefore the car rolls off the mountain. He tries to catch the car and he succeeded. Happily in his car, he tries to unlock the steering wheel. Unfortunately it didn't work, so he new he would fall off from the mountain. Then the sound of a voice tells: even Apeldoorn bellen. With that sentence they mean: call the insurance. In this case call Achmea.

The affect:
This commercial has a fine affect on the person who have seen the commercial. That because it's really funny. The affect is that people will remember this particular commercial.

Conclusion: good or bad marketing tool?
This commercial can function as a great marketing tool. Just because people remember it. When people hear 'even Apeldoorn bellen' they will automatically think of Achmea insurances. The goal of Achmea is that people in some sort of way feel bounded with the company and they succeeded. People feel a positive connection between themselves and Achmea, just because of the funny commercial. So therefore this commercial functions as a great marketing tool!

This is a good commercial. But not one of the best ever made. It's not timeless like the commercial produced by Dove or Coca Cola.

Here's a link to watch the commercial: